In Finance, one is being exposed to various Asset Classes investors should engage in building their investment portfolio. Asset classes such as Equity, Fixed Income, Commodities, Derivatives etc. A lot of insights have been shared from various finance institutions or experts, around the asset classes considered with the most returns or with less risk, or even best to invest in.
However, there is an unconventional and untold asset class which guarantees high yields and very minimal risks when engaged rightly. Yes, the principle surrounding risk and return is less applicable here. It's the Asset Class of PEOPLE.
Investing in people can bring numerous valuable returns other than just returns in figures as would a typical investment. Just being nice to the people life brings around you, being intentional in adding value to their lives, being a support system, offering a helping hand, be it career-wise, knowledge-wise, through referencing, allowing them leverage on your social capital, mentoring, calling their names in rooms where people that matter are in, etc. These good deeds eventually speak.
It is believed that a wealthy man is he that has people, such that when you call one, a hundred answers; people that would go any length to do your bidding expecting no compensation from you but seeing it as a privilege to be useful to you, people that would use their resources, skills, expertise just to pursue your course like it was theirs. Your name is mentioned in places and seeming closed doors fling open. These and more are returns on investing in the asset class of People.
A poor man is he that has all the money, and has lots of men loyal to his money and not him. The day it runs dry, when the chips are down, or like it's said, when jungle matures, all fair weather loyalists disappear. Also another view is, a poor man is he that has all the money, but has no Generals to execute and execute passionately on his behalf.
You continue to reap the rewards and returns of investing in people in a manner that it outlives you and transcends to your children and children's children.
What other legacy can one leave for their children? Hoping we build a great investment portfolio around people.
It takes very little to leave a lasting impression of good on someone.
Infographic Photo 📸 Credit: Getty Images